Abrasion-resistant rubber sheets

Abrasion-resistant rubber sheets

Next to its excellent abrasion-resistance it is resistant to generally used acids, bases and maximum 60 C° hot water.

Abrasion-resistant rubber sheet

Next to its excellent abrasion resistance, its resistant against acids, bases and maximum 60 C° temperature hot water.

Technical data:

  • material: SBR
  • density: 1,25 g/cm³
  • hardness: Shore A 65±5 °Sh
  • tensile strength: min. 10 MPa
  • elongation at break: min. 400%
  • colour: black
  • abrasion: max. 180 mm3
  • Production sizes:
  • thickness (mm) : 2-50
  • width (mm) : 900-1300
  • length (m)  : max. 50 depending on thickness
  • insertion (piece) : 0-10 depending on thickness

Abrasion-40 rubber sheet

Next to its excellent physical features it is resistant against maximum 60 C° temperature hot water and pH 10 alkali solution.

Technical data:

  • material: NR
  • density: 1,15 g/cm³
  • hardness: Shore A 40±5 °Sh
  • tensile strength: min. 15 MPa
  • elongation at break: min. 500%
  • colour: black
  • abrasion: max. 200 mm3

Production sizes:

  • thickness (mm) : 4-50
  • width (mm) : 1150
  • length (m)  : max. 4,6
  • insertion (piece) : not usually